International Graduate Student Conference

May 6-7, 2024 Hybrid

This conference aims to provide a platform for graduate students to present and discuss their research in English Studies, focusing on the role of discourse in language, literature, and cultural representation. Objectives include fostering interdisciplinary conversations, bringing together students and scholars from various English Studies disciplines, and encouraging critical analyses of language impact on societal norms, values, and cultural narratives. To actively encourage student participation and engagement, the conference is offered free of charge.

Contributions are invited that align with but are not limited to the following thematic areas: linguistics (pragmatics, discourse analysis, media linguistics), literary studies (narratives and discourse in literature, postcolonial discourse, critical theory and discourse), cultural studies (discourse and culture, discourse and identity, representation in popular culture), cross-disciplinary approaches (intersections of language, literature, and culture; multimodal discourse analysis).


Ruth Breeze
University of Navarra, Spain
Kotryna Garanašvili
University of East-Anglia, England
Rita Juknevičienė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Mark Pass
UK Embassy Vilnius, Lithuania
Ovidiu Ivancu
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Davide Castiglione
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Emily J. Hicks
U.S. Embassy Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference Programme
Rita Juknevičienė

Rita Juknevičienė

Vilnius University, Lithuania

About the workshop presenter

↗️ Assoc. Prof. Dr Rita Juknevičienė is a teacher and researcher at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, Vilnius University.

↗️ Her research interests include lexical and grammatical features of L2 English, corpus-driven phraseology, language testing and assessment.

↗️ She has been involved in projects related to the compilation and analysis of learner corpora and the development and validation of tests of foreign languages.

↗️ She is also a member of the RELANG project of the Council of Europe, promoting a valid and reliable linking of language tests to the CEFR.

Conference workshop Exploring the BNC2014 on LancsBox X: New Opportunities for Research

↗️ The new version of the British National Corpus compiled by Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press (henceforth: BNC2014) is a successor to the original BNC that represents spoken and written English of the 1990s, and that is widely used for data mining in linguistic research.

↗️ The BNC2014 covers contemporary British English up to the 2020s, with the bulk of texts sampled from 2014, hence the title. The new corpus is freely available with the corpus analysis tool LancsBox, version X. The workshop will demonstrate a range of queries that could be run on the program LancsBox X to explore British English represented by the BNC2014.

↗️ The workshop will also briefly introduce the participants to such functionalities of LancsBox X that allow researchers to compile and analyse any other corpora of English or any other language.


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